Roundabout A Jekyll theme.


Click here to download the latest (zipped) copy of Roundabout.

You can also clone the repository on GitHub.

$ git clone

Developing & running locally


  • Ruby (v2.4.0+)
  • Bundler - gem install bundler
  • Jekyll - gem install jekyll
  • Node.js (latest LTS is recommended) - Optional, for additional developer tools

Extract it, cd to the root directory of the extracted theme, and then install all the bundled Rubygems.

$ bundle install
# Or use the `bundle` shorthand
$ bundle

After the plugins are installed, we can now run a local server from within our computer.

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

Now you can work on your own Jekyll website! Open localhost:4000 in your browser to view it locally. Any saved changes will be rebuilt by Jekyll, so refresh your browser when you do.


GitHub Pages

Deploying to GitHub Pages is really simple. First open your _config.yml file and update these config variables based on your hosting environment.

baseurl: "/roundabout"

The url config contains the host of your website, whereas the baseurl config contains the base directory of your generated site. The rule of thumb to these configurations is as follows:

  • Set url the root domain of your host, without the trailing slash. For GitHub Pages with no custom domains, this should be https://<username>
  • If the generated page is a user page, then leave the baseurl config blank (e.g. baseurl: "").
  • If it’s a project page, set it to the name of your project, without the trailing slash once again (e.g. baseurl: "/roundabout").

Once it’s properly configured just push your commits to your repository, set the GitHub pages settings on your repository to target to the branch where your files is hosted in, and you have yourself a working GitHub page!

Learn more about GitHub Pages deployment on the Jekyll docs.